Type of resources
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INSPIRE themes
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Service types
INSPIRE services supplies WMS only for required INSPIRE view services of Austro Control GmbH
Service Regionalentwicklungsplan Burgenland
Service Regionalentwicklungsplan Burgenland
Service Regionalentwicklungsplan Burgenland
INSPIRE services supplies WFS only for the required INSPIRE services of Austro Control GmbH
INSPIRE Planned Land Use: Regionalentwicklungsplan Burgenland für - Regionales Entwicklungsprogramm für die Region Mittelburgenland - Regionales Entwicklungsprogramm für die Region Neusiedler See - Parndorfer Platte - Regionales Entwicklungsprogramm Eisenstadt und Umgebung – Mattersburg
INSPIRE services supplies CSW (metadata records) only for required INSPIRE discovery services of Austro Control GmbH
The transport network air for Austria consists currently of INSPIRE harmonized features for AerodromeNode, AirspaceArea, RunwayArea, DesignatedPoint, Navaid, AirRouteLink, AirLinkSequence and AirRoute including the relevant property features. This dataset covers Austrian territory only.
The transport network - Austro Control GmbH - consists currently of the INSPIRE harmonized feature for TransportNetwork. It is the top most feature for the transport network air in Austria. Geographically this dataset covers Austrian territory only.
Biotops and Habitats (Punkte): Wiener Arten- und Lebensraumschutzprogramm - Netzwerk Natur (Punkte) Wien